About Max

Mission Vision


To present personal expertise and understanding as a tool for improving relationships, creating better health, and unlocking a profound desire inside human beings toward tolerance of all ethnicity. To present opportunities for individual awakenings that answer that age-old question of  “Why do we do what we do?”


For ‘Future Generations’ to live in a world where disagreements and arguments are modeled by sincere self-examination. When words of war come, let them not be won through accusations but by the strength of their ability to accept responsibility.

Max W. Miller

I’m a creative writer whose fantasy and paranormal stories are thinly laced with actual events. I also write non-fiction in the areas of self-help and relationships. I believe that in many cases, supplementation and natural remedies have been pushed out and replaced with the overuse of pharmaceuticals for greed, creating less healthy humans.

I was born in the Low Country, Savannah, Georgia. Based on DNA tracing, my ancestors are from the West African Regions and started their imprisonment in South Carolina—the home of the Gullahs. I consider myself a modern-day Gullah, which translates into Geechee. Gullah/Geechee pride.

On this blog and my other platforms, I write about topics that maneuver through the choppy waters of botched relationships and how important body health becomes, especially as we age. I embrace my Geechee-ness as a gift of beauty and the Low Country with our unique cuisines as heaven on Earth. I’ll share pictures and ingredients from our style of cooking.
My conclusion is that we are all a work in progress (I definitely am). Now, I challenge you to do one of three things:
• Take this ride with me to understand yourself better. Join the conversation, and in so doing, I hope you find your places of peace.
• Decide that you’re just fine. But, before you check out on us, look over the site, consider visiting my forever growing bookstore to see what’s cooking and what’s done. Read our free blogs and unique offerings.
• Or take the low road and continue throughout eternity to blame others for your behavior.

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